Ammar Saqib

I'm a


Hello, I'm Ammar, a 13-year-old with a passion for programming. My journey in the world of coding began in 2021, and I've been on an exciting learning adventure ever since. Currently, I'm focused on honing my skills in web development. With each line of code I write, I'm building a brighter future in the digital realm, and I can't wait to see where this incredible journey takes me

Full Stack Developer.

I'm Ammar, an enthusiastic programmer. With a keen focus on web development, I'm dedicated to mastering the art of crafting dynamic and engaging online experiences

  • Birthday: 12 October 2010
  • Website:
  • Phone: +(306) 802-3212
  • City: Regina, Canada
  • Age: 12
  • Email:

I'm Ammar, a 13-year-old programmer who started my journey in 2021. I'm passionate about web development, and I've participated in hackathons while completing personal projects to showcase my skills. In addition to web development, I've learned Java, PHP, C++, and mastered Oracle SQL and SQL for database management. My commitment to continuous learning is shaping my future in tech.


I'm Ammar, and I've already delved into the world of hackathons, participating in several exciting coding competitions. In addition, I've initiated and completed a handful of personal projects, showcasing my determination and creativity in the world of programming.

Happy Clients


Hours Of Support

Hard Workers


I'm a versatile programmer with expertise in web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and programming languages (Java, PHP, C++). I'm also skilled in database management (Oracle SQL, SQL) and have experience from hackathons and personal projects. My commitment to continuous learning drives my journey in the tech world.

HTML 80%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 100%
Node JS 70%
SQL 90%
PHP 80%


I'm a versatile programmer proficient in web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), programming languages (Java, PHP, C++), and database management (Oracle SQL, SQL). I've honed my skills through hackathons and personal projects, and I'm dedicated to ongoing learning in the tech field.


Ammar Saqib

'm a well-rounded programmer with expertise in web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), proficiency in programming languages (Java, PHP, C++), and adept at database management (Oracle SQL, SQL). I bring a creative and problem-solving mindset, as demonstrated through my hackathon and personal projects. Beyond coding, I'm an enthusiastic sports enthusiast, particularly fond of soccer and badminton, and committed to continuous learning to keep up with the ever-evolving tech world.

  • Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • +1(306) 802-3212


Elementry School

2014 - 2024

Henry Janzen, Regina, Canada

I'm a student at Henry Janzen, where I'm passionate about both my academic studies and extracurricular interests, including programming and sports.

Professional Experience


2023 - Present

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

  • Freelancer experience has sharpened my self-discipline, time management, and adaptability, reinforcing my commitment to high-quality work.
  • Freelancing has allowed me to tackle diverse projects, showcasing my versatility and commitment to excellence in delivering client satisfaction. With a strong focus on independent project management, my freelance experience has reinforced my dedication to producing exceptional work in various domains.


2023 - Present

Online and in-Person

  • Hackathons are exhilarating coding competitions that inspire creative problem-solving and rapid solution development under pressure. My participation in these events has strengthened my programming skills and deepened my passion for coding.
  • Managed up to 6 projects or tasks at a given time while under pressure
  • Created 2+ design projects
  • I've teamed up with two others in hackathons, enhancing my coding skills and fostering effective collaboration and problem-solving skills.


I take pride in showcasing the various projects I've undertaken, each representing a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise. From web development and coding projects to personal initiatives, these endeavors reflect my commitment to continuous learning and my passion for bringing innovative ideas to life through practical applications. These projects stand as a testament to my dedication to the ever-evolving world of programming and my drive to contribute to the digital landscape.

  • All
  • Design
  • Web


I'm always eager to connect and engage with fellow enthusiasts in the fields of programming, technology, and beyond. Looking forward to hearing from you!


Regina, Canada


+1(306) 802-3212

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